Firestorm Caen: The General's Game - Part Two

Firestorm Caen: The General's Game Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
Playing The Firestorm Caen Campaign: Part Two
Turns Four to Five

with G. Jökull Gíslason and Brjánn Jónasson

In part one we left the British and Canadians forces having only just managed to get off the beaches. All areas surrounding Caen were still in German hands and the Germans were in a strong position after three turns. The action so far reflected the actual historical situation; it took the combined Allied armies longer to break out of Normandy than it took the Germans to conquer France in 1940.

Read Playing The Firestorm Caen Campaign: Part One here...

Firestorm: Caen
Firestorm: Caen focuses on the British and Canadian landings on Gold, Juno and Sword beaches right up to Operation Goodwood. It is a full-sized campaign but has special rules for smaller groups or even a two-player option. There are five turns in all, each named after the major operations for each time period; Neptune, Perch, Epsom, Charnwood and Goodwood. Covering the period between 6 June to 20 July 1944.

Download Firestorm: Caen here...
Firestorm: Caen
With only two turns left and the Allies facing a 440 to 110 deficit in Victory Points it may seem near to impossible for the Allies to comeback but there are three things working in their favour. Firstly, from turn four they get an initiative bonus of +2 on top of winning ties, giving them a 5 to 6 bonus on controlling where to fight. Secondly, the Germans have to withdraw three of the powerful Panzer units, which in reality were transferred to the US sector. Finally, for turns four and five the Allies get Carpet Bombing. That means once per turn they can announce that they will use Carpet Bombing with one attack and get a bonus 2+. In a game it would mean a full preliminary bombardment. It would be truly epic to win defending against that, but it is only one battle each turn; maybe enough for a breakthrough, but not enough to break the game.
Read Jökull's Firestorm: Caen Walkthrough here...
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
Turn Four: Operation Charnwood
Turn four starts favourably for the Allies; eight battles ahead. With a strong lead in initiative it is time to bring on the Colossal Cracks.

Below: The start of turn four.
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
Battle One
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
1 6 / 5
B3 - C3
Allies: Tank Div +3;
Artillery +2.
German: Panther +3;
StuG +3.
2 / 1
7 / 7 N / A
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game The first attack is against Carpiquet. The intention is two-fold; A. try to encircle Caen and B. get the Germans to commit their Reserves. Plan B works when the Panthers of 1. SS Panzerdivision is deployed from German Tactical Reserve. The battle is a stalemate and a successful defence. No losses.
Battle Two
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
2 3 / 5
B1 - D1
Allies: 2x Infantry +4.
German: Werfer +2; Tiger +2;
Bocage +1.
4 / 2
8 / 7 Allies captured D1. Allies lose both Infantry Divisions.
Having a +2 bonus and winning on ties secures the initiative for the Allies. Still trying to push the Germans; the Allies make an attack towards Villers Bocage. The Germans commit their last reserves in the form of the Tigers of 102. Schwere SS-Panzerabteilung. Still it is not enough and the British push them out but lose both Infantry Divisions as a result. That leaves four Armoured Brigades to claim the area but leaves the rear extremely vulnerable. Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
Battle Three
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
6 / 5
A2 - B2
Allies: Infantry +2; AGRA +2.
German: Defence Firestorm Troop +2;
Bocage +1.
1 / 3
5 / 6 N / A
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game In an attempt to firm up the line and support the push into Villers-Bocage, an attack into the undefended B-2 sounded like a good bet but the German Defence Firestorm Troops that are automatically in each area are steadfast in their defence of the area.
Battle Four
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
1 / 5
C1 - B1
Allies: Bocage +1; Air +1.
German: Werfer Bde +2.
1 / 6
3 / 8 Germans capture B1.
Germans win the initiative and go for the connecting area to Villers-Bocage. The only defence is Air and then the Bocage but the Germans win, cutting off the attacking forces. The Germans decide not to send in troops into B1 but instead keep their forces in C1. 

Left: The German cut-off the Allies at Villers-Bocage.
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
Battle Five
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
5 / 1
A2 - B2
Allies: Infantry +2;
AGRA +2.
German: GDFT +1; Bocage +1.
3 / 3
7 / 5
Allies win B2 but lose the Infantry.
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game Too little too late; the Allies capture B-2 but this time lose their attacking infantry.
Battle Six
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
3 / 5 B2 - C1
Allies: AGRA +2; Tank Bde +1.
German: Werfer +2; GDFT +1; Bocage +1.
1 / 3
4 / 6
Allies lose AGRA.
Attempting to break through to the Allied troops at Villers-Bocage the attack fails with the AGRA (Artillery Graoup Royal Artillery) destroyed. The combined attacks are getting very expensive and the Allies are losing the war of attrition. Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
Battle Seven
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
1 / 2 B4 - C4
Allies: Carpet Bombing +2; Infantry +2; AGRA +2.
Germans: Tiger +2; City +1, Beute StuG +1.
3 / 2
9 / 6 Allies capture C4 West Caen.
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
Feeling that their attacks are stalling and having yet to use the Carpet Bombing it is time for a bold move. With the Highlanders in the lead the British attack into Caen and capture half the city.

Right: The Allies push into Caen.
Battle Eight
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
4 / 1 B5 - C6
Allies: Tank Div +3;
AGRA +2.
Germans: FlaK +3;
DFT +1
4 / 2
9 / 6 Allies capture C6.
The Allies follow up with an attack against Colombelles and push the Germans back. What started as a bad turn the Allies, ends with them back on the offensive. Still the Tank Brigade at Villers-Bocage is cut-off and the German defence is still cohesive.

After this final battle the Allies manage to bring in all their reserves and prepare for the final attack. Germans place the new King Tigers and the Panzer IVs of the 9. SS-Panzerdivision in Tactical Reserve.
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
Turn Five: Operation Goodwood
At the start of turn five the Germans are still mounting a solid defence and have even cut-off part of the Allied forces at Villers-Bocage. We roll for seven battles for the final turn.
Below: The start of turn four.
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
Battle One
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
4 / 6 A6 - B6
Allies: Tank Bde +2; Artillery +2.
Germans: GDFT +2.
1 / 3
5 / 5 N / A
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game The first attack attempts to open up the front east of the Orne. A Tank Brigade and Artillery support the attack against only German Defence Firestorm Troop (GDFT). Nevertheless the defence holds results in no losses.
Battle Two
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
6 / 3 C6 - D5
Allies: 2x Tank Divisions +6; Carpet bombing +2.
Germans: FlaK +3; GDFT +2.
5 / 3
13 / 8 Allies capture D5. Germans lost FlaK.
Hoping to get the Germans to commit their reserves the Allies go all out, they even support the attack with this turns allocation of carpet bombing. Germans hold on to their reserves and only use their FlaK and German Defence Firestorm Troop. The battle is a convincing victory for the Allies. Area D5 is captured and the German FlaK destroyed. Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
Battle Three
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
2 / 3 B4 - C3
Allies: AGRA +2;
Churcill + 2.
Germans: StuG +3;
Panzer IV +3.
1 / 6
5 / 12 AGRA destroyed.
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game Second attack is west of the Orne towards Carpiquet. This time the Germans commit their StuGs and the line holds and the British AGRA is destroyed. Since this is the last turn any units destroyed will not come back into play.
Battle Four
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
2 / 6 C1 - D1
Allies: Air +1;
Tank Bde +1;
Bocage +1;
Out of Supply -2.
Germans: Werfer Bde +2; Tiger +2.
1 / 4
2 / 8 Germans capture D1 and the Tank Brigade.
Germans win initiative and attack Villers-Bocage. Allies send Air to support the Tank Brigade but they are also out of supply and lose the battle and the Germans capture the Tank Brigade. Along with the Brigade that they captured at Gold Beach gives the Germans two captured Firestorm Troops each worth 10 Victory Points. Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
Battle Five
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
2 / 6 C7 - C6
Allies: AGRA +2;
Air +2.
Germans: Tiger +3;
Panther +3.
6 / 4
10 / 10
Allies defend.
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
The Germans win initiative again and go for a tempting target. With the Armour at Bourgébous there is only an Artillery Group defending Colombelles. The Germans attack with a Tiger and Panthers but the British hang on by the skin of their teeth.

Left: The German armour attempts to dislodge the Allies from Caen.
Battle Six
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
6 / 5 D5 - D7
Allies: 2x Tank Division +6.
Germans: GDFT +1;
Kingtiger +4.
3 / 3
9 / 8 Allies capture D7.
Tank Division destroyed.

With the Battle for Caen is coming to an end, the Tank Division attempt to improve their position by attacking from Bourgébous (D5) into the Caen-Falaise Road (D7). The Germans now commit their last reserves; the Kingtigers. The attack is successful and the Kingtiger are forced to retreats to D6. The Guards Division is destroyed leaving the 7th Armoured Division all alone. The Germans at C7 are still in supply and the battle lines have become very untidy. Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
Battle Seven
Battle Number
Intitiative Roll:
Allies First
Area Attacked:
From - Into
Firestorm Unit &
Dice Roll:
Attacker First
6 / 3 B3 - C3

Allies: AGRA +2;
Tank Division +3.
Germans: StuG +3;
Panzer IV +3.

2 / 1
7 / 7 Successful defence. Allied Tank Division destroyed.
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. The Allies win initiative for the last turn and they attack against to odds against Carpiquet at C3. Had they attaked from D7 against Verrières Ridge with Air support they would have attacked at better odds and against a more important target. But the attack is against Carpiquet and ends in a stalemate which equals a successfull defence. The 11th Armoured Division is destroyed but it won‘t make any difference at this point.
Below: Game over.
Firestorm Caen: The General's Game
After five turns and twenty-nine battles the outcome is decided. The Allies made some desperate attacks at the end but the setback at Villers-Bocage has cost the Allies the game.  With the Germans in possession of areas worth a total of 310 Victory Points and having captured two Allied Firestorm Troops each worth an additional 10 Victory Points the Germans end the game on a total of 330 Victroy Points.

The Allies ended the game with a total of 250 Victory Points for the territory. So the Germans win with a difference of 80 Victory Points or an Axis Tactical Victory which is far from the historical outcome that should have been an Allied Operational Victory. If the Allies had captured Verrières Ridge then the difference would have been 20 points in the Allies favor or a draw.

I hope this helps you in playing your own games. It shows you very well how the battle plays. Of course playing a full Campaign with Flames of War games would be the most fun and maybe we will write up a battle report with a full campaign. Or maybe you could do it.

~ Jökull and Brjánn.

Last Updated On Wednesday, August 7, 2013 by Blake at Battlefront