Products mentioned in this Article
Universal Carrier Patrol (Plastic) (BBX55)includes nine plastic Universal Carriers, nine Universal Carrier Crew Sprues and one Decal Sheet.
The Universal Carrier can be modified and used many ways hence its name. Some carriers were used as recon vehicles, others as MMG Carriers. The Wasp Carrier was modified to carry a hull-mounted flame-thrower. Being mounted on a carrier means the Wasps can keep up with the troops and provide much-needed fire support.
Check out the Universal Carrier Patrol (Plastic) in the online store here...
D-Day: BritishThe combined strength of both the British and American forces, combining all three branches of the Airforce, Navy, and Army struck across the beaches of Normandy trying to find a chink in the Germans' impenetrable defences. The Germans put up a fight, making capturing the beaches hard, but the Allies secured a foothold on the beachheads. It was enough to withstand the following German Counter-attacks and eventually break out of Normandy. The war for western Europe was now being fought in earnest, as the Allies raced to liberate France and bring the war to Hitler’s front door.
Click here to learn more about Day: British Spotlight...
Looking for more information on how to build and paint your Flames Of War models? Then check out our dedicated hobby page.
Click here to go to the British Late War Painting & Hobby Resources Landing Page....