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SS-Kradschützen Platoon with Kurt Meyer (GBX54)

SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
includes one SS-Kradschützen HQ section, one SS-Kradschützen Platoon HQ section with one Light Mortar team & one Anti-tank Rifle team, three Schützen squads, Kurt Meyer (in mounted & dismounted versions) & one Small base, six Medium bases & siz Large bases.

The Schutzstaffel or SS are the military embodiment of the Nazi political party. Their motorcycle troops move swiftly and decisively against the enemies of Germany.

The Kradschützen form the building blocks of an effective strike force. Swift application of power is enabled by the BMW motorcycle, which allows the SS troops to exploit gaps in the enemy’s line or rapidly reinforce the riflemen during an enemy counterattack.

Check out the SS-Kradschützen Platoon in the online store here...
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SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
Kurt "Schnell" Meyer
Kurt Meyer was born in 1910 into a lower class family. He worked a number of jobs, including mining, factory work, and other such jobs before joining the police in 1929. Meyer joined the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler in 1934, becoming a platoon and later company commander of the 14. SS-Panzerabwehrkompanie (14th SS Anti-tank Company).

Meyer led his company with distinction through the Polish campaign in 1939, earning an Iron Cross, Second Class. But Meyer was not satisfied with the static nature of anti-tank combat. He requested to be transferred to a more active unit and his wish was granted when he was assigned to command the 15. SS-Kradschützensturm (15th SS Motorcycle Rifle Company). He led the reconnaissance unit during the battle for France where he earned an Iron Cross, First Class.
"SS-Kradschützen Platoons use the Motorcycle Reconnaissance rules on pages 10-11 of Burning Empires and are Reconnaissance Platoons while mounted."
Following the successful campaign in France, Meyer was promoted to command the Leibstandarte reconnaissance
battalion. He followed the rest of the regiment to the Balkans where they spearheaded the attack into Greece.

During the fighting in the mountains of Greece, Meyer’s attack stalled in front of the Greek 20th Infantry Division’s formidable network of machine-gun nests and obstacles. Pinned down by intense machine-gun fire, Meyer tried in vain to get his men to get up and charge the enemy nest. Finally, he grabbed a live grenade and threw it at the feet of his grenadiers.

Kurt Meyer, the dismounted version.
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) Meyer recalled that it was as if they had been bitten by a tarantula and the men’s paralysis was broken. They instantly got up and ran toward the machine-gun, knocking it out and capturing over 600 prisoners, all for the cost of seven men killed and 18 wounded.

Together with the rest of the troops of Leibstandarte, Meyer’s battalion pressed on to cut off the retreating Greek Eprius Army at Lake Kastoria. Meyer’s battalion rushed around the flank of the Greeks and cut off their retreat from the south, and capturing thousands more prisoners, directly contributing to the surrender of the Greek Army to the Germans. For this action, Meyer was awarded the Knight’s Cross, Germany’s highest honour.

Left: Kurt Meyer, the mounted version.
Meyer went on to lead his battalion into Russia in June 1941, rising to the rank of SS-Standartenführer (colonel) in command of the 25. SS-Panzergrenadierregiment of the 12. “Hitlerjugend” SS-Panzerdivision. Meyer then fought against the Allies in Normandy during 1944 until he was captured by partisans trying to escape the Falaise Pocket. After the war he was tried as a war criminal, serving nine years in prison before being released to live the rest of his days in Germany and passing away in 1961. SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) Characteristics
SS-Sturmbannführer (Major) Kurt Meyer is a Warrior team
rated as Fearless Veteran. He is a Motorcycle SMG team and
uses the Motorcycle Reconnaissance special rules found on
pages 10-11 of Burning Empires.

Meyer leads his battalion from the front and replaces the
Company Command team in an SS-Kradschützensturm
(see page 52 of Burning Empires) or an SS-Infanteriekompanie (see page 57 of Burning Empires) for +20 points.
Special Rules
Schnell!: Meyer pressed his men hard and pushed his way
onto the objective, earning him the nickname “Schnell” (or

Meyer and any platoon he joins may make a Stormtrooper move
on a roll of 2+.
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) No choice but forward!: Meyer made judicious use of a live
grenade to get his men motivated to assault a Greek machinegun

Any time Meyer gives a re-roll to an SS-Kradschützen Platoon, SSKradschützen Machine-gun Platoon, SS Infanterie Platoon, or SS Pionier Platoon for any Motivation Test and the platoon fails the Motivation Test.

Designed by Evan Allen
Painted by Casey Davies
The Command HQ and Platoon HQ Section of the SS-Kradschützen Platoon
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
The Motorcycle MG Teams of the SS-Kradschützen Platoon
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
The SS-Kradschützen Platoon Scout Out An Enemy Position
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
The Contents of the SS-Kradschützen Platoon Box Set
Contact the customer service team at [email protected] if you have any issues with any of the components.
The Bases
a. 1x Small base.
b. 6x Medium bases.
c. 6x Large bases.
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) Kurt Meyer
a. 1x Mounted Kurt Meyer figure.
b. 1x Dismounted Kurt Meyer figure.
c. 1x Crouching NCO figure.

Platoon HQ Section
a. 3x Mounted NCO figures.
b. 1x Mounted Anti-tank Rifle figure.
c. 1x Light mortar sidecar.

SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) Motorcycles
a. 18x Handle bars.
b. 13x MGs.
c. 17x assorted sidecars.
d. 18x Motorcycles.
Motorcycle Riders
a. 15x Motorcycle pillion passengers.
b. 18x Motorcycle drivers.

SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) Sidecar Passengers
a. 4x Riflemen passengers.
b. 6x Unarmed passengers.
Dynamic Passengers
a. 3x Dismounting passengers.
b. 3x Mounting passengers.

SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
Assembling the SS-Kradschützen Platoon
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) Modelling the Dismounted Kurt Meyer
To model the dismounted version of Kurt Meyer, simply place the dismounted figure on the Small base with the Crouching NCO.

Left: An example of a dismounted Kurt Meyer. 
Modelling the Mounted Kurt Meyer
To model the mounted version of Kurt Meyer, simply add him to a sidecar of one the motorcycle teams.

Be sure to model the mounted version of Kurt Meyer and any Company Command teams, 2iC teams, Platoon command teams, the Light mortar and Anti-tank rifle teams on Medium bases.

Right: The mounted version of Kurt Meyer.
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) Modelling the Light Mortar Team
The Light Mortar team has a specific sidecar, see the example on the left.

Left: The light mortar sidecar, note the light mortar on the back of the sidecar.
Modelling the Anti-tank Rifle Team
The Anti-tank rifle team is created by simply adding the Anti-tank rifle passenger figure to a sidecar.
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
Modelling Motorcycles
Each motorcycle and sidecar fit together as shown in the example on the right.
Next, you can add the driver before positioning his arms and handle bars. SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) Pillion passengers can then be added. Be sure to use the photos above as inspiration for adding the dynamically posed passenger figures.
Remember to add the machine-guns to the sidecars.

Tip: All Motorcycle teams get an MG expect the Company Command SMG team, 2iC SMG team, Light mortar team and Anti-tank rifle teams.
SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54) SS-Kradschützen Platoon (GBX54)

Last Updated On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 by Chris at Battlefront