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Strelkovy Battalion HQ (SU700)

Strelkovy Battalion HQ (SU700) Strelkovy Battalion HQ (SU700)

The Battalion is the basic building block of the Workers and Peasants Red Army. At its head is the Popolkovnik commanding his brave soldiers in their fight to evict the fascist invaders from mother Russia. At his side is the Battalion Komissar to ensure discipline is kept and the communist zeal forever glints in the soldier’s eyes.
Pack Contents

As well as your Battalion Command Rifle team, 2iC Command Rifle team and the Battalion Komissar, the SU700 pack also contains two extra command teams for use with your gun and artillery companies. It also contains two extra Komissar teams to keep weapons and support companies in line.

Two of the command teams can also have Standards, for waving your courageous lads forward.

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Strelkovy Battalion HQ (SU700)
Strelkovy Battalion HQ (SU700) Battalion Komissar

The Battalion Komissar team can join any company within 6”/15cm at the start of the Movement step taking over the duties of the company’s Komissar team.

The company Komissar team has no effect as long as the Battalion Komissar team is attached to the company.
Strelkovy Battalion HQ (SU700)
Strelkovy Battalion HQ (SU700)
Strelkovy Battalion HQ (SU700)

Last Updated On Friday, September 3, 2010 by Blake at Battlefront