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4th Edition Useful Downloads

4th Edition Useful Downloads 4th Edition Useful Downloads

We provide downloadable versions of the Early, Mid, and Late-war Quick Reference Sheets for Flames Of War, the Missions Pack and the Early-Late Special Rules and Warriors book in its entirety.

Learn more about these very useful 4th Edition downloads below.

Lessons From The Front: 4th Edition
Last Updated March 2024
A new rule set always results in questions about how the finer points of the game should work so Lessons From The Front is the place to go to find answers to some of the harder questions.

These are living documents that we will update as often as possible but please bear in mind that whilst we listen to feedback in the forums (and other places) we need to take a considered approach before implementing any changes.

Lessons From The Front: 4th Edition

Lessons From The Front: V4 (PDF download)...
Lessons From The Front: V4 - Printer Friendly (PDF download)...

Lessons From The Front: Early-war (PDF download)...
Lessons From The Front: Early-war - Printer Friendly (PDF download)...

4th Edition Quick Reference Sheet
With the release of 4th Edition, we provide a PDF version of the Quick Reference sheet for you to download.

Download a PDF version of the Quick Reference Sheet here...
Quick Reference Sheet

More Missions

Missions for Flames Of War - Updated March 2023
With the rulebook now adopting the revised victory conditions from the old More Missions pack, we've updated it (now just called the Missions pack) to reflect this. 

The pack contains: • Annihilation • Breakthrough • Bridgehead • Bypass • Contact • Cornered • Counterattack • Counterstrike • Covering Force  Dogfight • Dust Up • Encirclement • Encounter • Escape • Fighting Withdrawl  Free For All • Gauntlet • Hold the Pocket • It's a Trap  Killing Ground • No Retreat • Outflanked • Outmanoeuvred  Probe • Scouts Out  Spearpoint  Valley of Death • Vanguard

Each mission has a double page telling you how to play the mission and detailing the mission's special rules. You can either print each mission out on a single piece of paper (front and back) or print it as a booklet with each mission on facing pages.

The Battle Plans mission selector allows you and your opponent to choose the most appropriate missions for your forces. Each player chooses a plan (Prepared Attack, Hasty Attack, or Defend) and then you look up a table to see which mission to play and who will be the attacker.

Flames Of War-Missions.pdf...

Flames Of War-Missions (no background texture).pdf...

What’s Changed in the Reprinted Flames of War Rulebook?
Battlefront have just released a reprint of the Flames of War rulebook to coincide with the launch of the new Late War period. We took the opportunity to update a few things in the reprint, but in essence it’s exactly the same (the page numbering is identical — everything is just where it was), so there is no need to rush out and buy a new copy. In this article we go through the changes and we have provided a PDF so that you can download the exact text of the changes.

Click here to download the Changes pdf...

What's Changed in the Flames Of War Rulebook...

What’s Changed in the Reprinted Flames of War Rulebook?

Fortress Europe Command Cards Download
We had a great Late War launch weekend, and after keeping an eye on the feedback we felt like it would be a good idea to give Fortress Europe players a handful of free, official Command Cards for use with the new book. British and Soviet players will have a few more cards to cover them as they await their very own campaign book.

Fortress Europe Command Cards Download...

Fortress Europe Command Cards Download

4th Edition Early-war Quick Reference Sheet
With the release of 4th Edition, we provide a PDF version of the Early-war Quick Reference sheet for you to download.

Download a PDF version of the 4th Edition Early war Quick Reference Sheet (3 pages; .pdf; 151KB) here...
4th Edition Early and Late-war Quick Reference Sheet

City Fighting

City Fighting Rules

City battles took many forms during the war. Often, the battle was fought and won in the outskirts of the city where the terrain favoured tank warfare. However, sometimes the battle had to be fought and decided in the city centre. You can play both of these types of battles in Flames Of War, and we will cover each of them in the following PDF.

Click here to download the City Fighting Rules PDF (Right click, Save As)...

Flames Of War & World War III: Team Yankee Tournament Pack

On this page you will find links to everything you will need to run a Flames Of War or World War III: Team Yankee tournament at your local store, club, or even with your friends at home.

Flames Of War & World War III: Team Yankee Tournament Pack...
Flames Of War & World War III: Team Yankee Tournament Pack