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Staff Early War Armies - Casey's Kompania Czołgów Revisited

Blitzkrieg Logo Early War Staff Armies:
Casey's Kompania Czołgów Revisited

We continue our feature on the Battlefront staff members Early-war armies by revisiting Casey's Kompania Czołgów.
It has taken a while as I’ve got so many painting projects on at the moment, but I’ve managed to get my Early-war Poles started. I started with the infantry because I managed to scavenge a whole lot of the miniatures out of the extras that the studio managers had left over after putting picking boards together, and it was going to be a while before the 7TPs were going to be available.

Right and below:
An example of Casey's Command Rifle Team.

Learn more and Casey's Kompania Czołgów here...

Casey's Command Rifle Team
Casey's Command Rifle Team

I’m actually a big fan of painting the infantry portion of any army first, as it seems less daunting than leaving it till last. I found the Polish infantry very easy to paint, as they have just enough detail to make them interesting, but not enough to drive you mad painting them like Germans.

See all the Staff Early-war Armies here... 

I particularly liked how the artillery pieces turned out. I used a different colour scheme than the studio painters did for the studio armies, mainly because I wanted slightly less contrasting colours. Initially I wasn’t a fan of the 75mm gun either, but I’d only seen it with the spoked wheels, but I have to say that they look awesome with the fat rubber wheels.

Now I just have to complete the 16 7TPs and 5 TKS that are lined up on my painting bench.

~ Casey.

Right: Casey's Observer Rifle Team.

Casey's Observer Rifle Team
Casey's 75mm guns Left and Below: Examples of Casey's 75mm guns.
Casey's 75mm guns Casey's 75mm guns
Casey's 75mm guns Casey's 75mm guns
Casey's 75mm guns Casey's 75mm guns
Casey's 75mm guns
Below: Another example of Casey's Command Rifle Team.
Casey's Command Rifle Team
Casey's Command Rifle Team
Casey's Anti-tank Rifle Tank Team Left: An example of Casey's Anti-tank Rifle team.
Below: Examples of Casey's Kawalerii Zmotoryzowanej Company Rifle/MG Teams.
Casey's Kawalerii Zmotoryzowanej
Casey's Kawalerii Zmotoryzowanej
Casey's Kawalerii Zmotoryzowanej
Casey's Kawalerii Zmotoryzowanej
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