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Jeremy's US Parachute Infantry

North Africa Jeremy's US Parachute Infantry
with Jeremy Painter

This force was made purely out of need. I should say now that I’m a painter, and not really a gamer, my love of this hobby being more focused on the colours, nuts, bolts and tracks of various countries fighting men’s uniforms and ordnance.

A year or so back, Wayne asked me to paint an Airborne platoon for a spotlight, which was followed up by the need for a command platoon. After these had been done dutifully in my own time, I was left with the beginning of an army, so I (stupidly) started adding more platoons, mostly for the sense of completion.
Jeremy's US Parachute Infantry
A year later, whilst talking to Chris Townley, he decided that a few M-10’s would add a powerful punch to the already hard footslogging part of the force, and never one not to take advice from the hard out Noodle-Heads around me, I went ahead and got to work…. under the guise of research.
Jeremy's US Parachute Company HQ
By research I mean how to make the nice clean Sherman Drab (SD) we use for GI Green into a more weathered, washed out look. I did this by building up layers of SD mixed with higher amounts of Sicily Yellow until it was roughly half and half. I was reasonably pleased with the outcome, and have been trying it on Shermans till this day.
Jeremy's US Parachute Rifle Platoon
Jeremy's US Parachute Machine-gun Platoon
Jeremy's US Parachute Mortar Platoon
Jeremy's US Parachute Field Artillery Battery
Jeremy's US Parachute Self-propelled Anti-tank Platoon
Jeremy's US Parachute Objective