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Staff Interrogations

Staff Interrogations 

This week I have pulled Casey into the chair in order to have my way with him. I suspect he has a lot to hide, given his devious goatee and brightly colored shirts. Plus, he's a New Zealand navy man and so there might be some interesting bits of Top Secret information to be gleaned concerning one of the world's most fearsome sea forces.

My comment still stands that no one, so far, have withstood my gruelling and innovative technique of pulling them away from their work, sitting them down in an air-conditioned room with a cool drink and asking them deceptively cunning questions such as "Who are you, and who do you work for?" Casey was no exception as he spilled pretty revealing comments, as you will see below.

Official* Battlefront Interrogation Expert (of sorts)**

*Honorary Title
**Actually, not at all.

Part 2:
The Interrogation of Casey Davies: Product Designer, 3D Artist, and Wielder of a Massive Sword.

1. Well Casey... Let's start by you telling me a little about yourself and how you got into wargaming.

I was introduced to wargaming while I was in the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN). A mate of mine got me into playing Warhammer 40,000 and I’ve been interested in tabletop games ever since.

HMNZS Canterbury

Above: Casey's old home away from home, the HMNZS Canterbury (before it was sunk)

Interrogation Notes

2. How did you, of all people, actually land a gig to work for Battlefront Miniatures, Mr. Davies?

I actually knew Pete before working here. When I was studying at Tech, I used to work for him as a waiter at his restaurant. One night, Pete and a few guys from the studio showed up while I was tending the bar to celebrate the release of the first version of the rules going to print. I mentioned that I was into that sort of thing and Pete said that Battlefront might need another person to help out on the graphics.

Once I was done at school I was hired on and I’ve been working here for the past five years—seems like such a long time!

3. And what precisely do you do for Battlefront Miniatures?

I work on the graphic design of the books, including laying them up and taking photographs.

4. If thats so, how did you actually go about getting into graphic design?

After leaving the Navy, I did a degree in design. I majored in 3D and product design, which had elements of graphic design and photography. Working at battlefront with Dion has helped round out my graphic design skills.

Sting of the Scorpion

Interrogation Notes

5. I don't believe you, but we'll continue anyway. What was your first project with Battlefront?

I started with making the assembly guides, boxes and catalogues. My first big project was the Sting of the Scorpion box set. 

6. Despite your constant lies, I insist on asking you further questions!
How do you start a project from the graphic design side?

We start when the writers get started by designing what the book will look like. We come up with the general theme and choose the graphics and styles that best fit the feel of the book. Once that’s mostly set, we start adding in what the writers give us. From there we work very closely with the writers until the project is finished.

Stalins OnslaughtStalins Onslaught
Stalins Onslaught

7. Alright, Sparky, lets talk about photos you take...
What sorts of things do you do to set up photo scenes?

I try to set up a story. I’ll come up with a story board of several picture ideas. I’ll set up the picture, take a few, move things around and then take another so that the action move across the page, telling a story. I often try to make the photos personal by getting down low and taking pictures from a first person point of view.

8. What’s been your favourite project that you’ve worked on?
(If indeed you have worked on a project as you've claimed!)

Honestly, I cant’ tell you about it yet! Previous to that, I’d have to say laying up Stalin’s Onslaught because I love the companies in the book, specifically Sthraf!

(Note on Sthraf: they are the perfect Flame-thrower delivery device!)

Interrogation Notes

Interrogation Notes

9. What sorts of challenges do you face at work?

One of the most challenging things about designing the books is finding quality historical hi-res photographs. Seems like a never-ending task, finding good photographs!

10. What are the best things about working for a game company?

Its not every day I get to work on laying up historical game books! I like being interested in what I’m laying up.

11. Have you always been interested in WWII?

I’ve always had a general interest in the war, but before I started working here I wouldn’t be able to tell you the difference between a Tiger and a Sherman!

12. What area and periods are you most interested in concerning WWII?

I’m really interested in the Mid and Early years of the war. More specifically, I’m interested in the Eastern Front and the Winter War because, in my opinion, Normandy has been overdone on television and in the movies. There’s so much to discover about the epic fight in the East.

Casey's Modelling Career

13. What are your favourite Flames Of War armies to play?

I love playing any army with Strelkovy and Shtraf, or basically any unit that has tons of infantry and limited tanks. In fact, I’m currently working on my third Soviet infantry army!

14. Are you a tournament goer? Why or Why not?

Not particularly. I prefer modelling and painting over playing, but I don’t object to playing tournaments, crushing people with my human tide. (I have been trying for ages to convince Phil that Soviet infantry in Assaults should be counted as Difficult Terrain, forcing Bogging Checks!)

15. Do you consider yourself a modeller or gamer or both?

I definitely prefer to model.

Casey's Soviet Scouts

16. Answer the next question as if your life depends on it (as indeed it does not):
What are your thoughts on the Brummbar: Cheese or Whine?

To me, they are very expensive MG carriers!

Interrogation Notes

17. Do you play any other miniature games? If so, what all do you play?

I have so many projects I want to start! I have a Warmachine Cryx army I’ve been working on for some time. I have a Chaos army coming together for Warhammer. I also really enjoy a good game of Mordheim as well!

18. Do you have any modelling or painting projects of your own that you are working on?

I’m halfway through a Shtraf battalion and halfway through a Tankovy company.

Medieval Martial Arts

19. What other sorts of hobbies are you interested in, apart from miniature games?

Stabbing people in the face… no really, I do stab people in the face! I have been involved in a group that practices Historical European Martial Arts. We learn to sword fight, with Steel weapons, using period historical manuals, such as ‘The Paradox of Defence by George Silver, Liechtenauer, Flos Duellatorum by Fiore Dei Liberi, and Fillipo Vadi. Its important to note that THIS IS NOT LARPING!

On that note, Casey, you are free to leave (now). Thank you.


Last Updated On Thursday, December 18, 2008 by Wayne at Battlefront