Late War German Gaming Aids
Late War German Token & Objective Set (GE905)... Late War German Dice Set (GE904)... 21st Panzer Token & Objective Set (GSO905)...
Late War German Token & Objective Set (GE905)
includes two Ranged In tokens, four Foxholes tokens, eight Pinned Down / Bailed Out tokens, one Leader token, four Gone To Ground tokens and one Anti-Aircraft token.

Even though they are toy soldiers, your troops react to heavy fire like real soldiers. Sometimes they get pinned down or bail out of their tanks. They can dig foxholes for protection or go to ground, hiding from the enemy. Tokens help you keep track of the state of your troops.The Late War German Token & Objective Set contains 20 gaming tokens and two Objective tokens in the following breakdown:

2x Ranged In tokens; 4x Foxholes tokens; 8x Pinned Down/ Bailed Out tokens; 1x Leader token; 4x Gone To Ground tokens; 1x Anti-Aircraft token; 2Objective tokens.

Check out the Late War German Token Set in the online store here...
Late War German Token & Objective Set (GE905)

Late War German Dice Set (GE904)
includes 20 Late War German-themed gaming dice.

The modern army commander must free himself from routine methods and show a comprehensive grip of technical matters, for he must be in a position continually to adapt his ideas of warfare to the facts and possibilities of the moment. — Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel

Note: The insignia on each die represents the 6.

Check out the Late War German Dice Set in the online store here...

Late War German Dice Set (GE904)
21st Panzer Token & Objective Set (GSO905)
includes two Ranged In tokens, four Foxholes tokens, eight Pinned Down / Bailed Out tokens, one Leader token, four Gone To Ground tokens and one Anti-Aircraft token.

Even though they are toy soldiers, your troops react to heavy fire like real soldiers. Sometimes they get pinned down or bail out of their tanks. They can dig foxholes for protection or go to ground, hiding from the enemy. Tokens help you keep track of the state of your troops.The Late War German Token & Objective Set contains 20 gaming tokens and two Objective tokens in the following breakdown:

2x Ranged In tokens; 4x Foxholes tokens; 8x Pinned Down/ Bailed Out tokens; 1x Leader token; 4x Gone To Ground tokens; 1x Anti-Aircraft token; 2Objective tokens.

Check out the 21st Panzer Token & Objective Set in the online store here...
21st Panzer Token & Objective Set (GSO905)
D-Day German Tokens & Objetives - Direct Range
21st Panzer Token & Objective Set (GSO905) 21st Panzer Token & Objective Set (GSO905) 21st Panzer Token & Objective Set (GSO905) 21st Panzer Token & Objective Set (GSO905) 21st Panzer Token & Objective Set (GSO905)
352. Infantry Tokens & Objectives (GSO900) 716. Infantry Divisions Tokens & Objectives (GSO901) 503 Heavy Tank Battalion Tokens & Objectives (GSO902) 2. Panzer Division Tokens & Objectives (GSO903) Panzer Lehr Tokens & Objectives (GSO904)

D-Day Waffen-SS Tokens & Objetives - Direct Range
1. Leibstandarte Tokens & Objectives (GSO906) 2. Das Reich Tokens & Objectives (GSO907) 9. Hohenstaufen Tokens & Objectives (GSO908) 10. Frundsberg Tokens & Objectives (GSO909) 12. Hitlerjugend Tokens & Objectives (GSO910) 101. Schwere SS Panzerrabteilung Tokens & Objectives (GSO911)
1. Leibstandarte Tokens & Objectives (GSO906) 2. Das Reich Tokens & Objectives (GSO907) 9. Hohenstaufen Tokens & Objectives (GSO908) 10. Frundsberg Tokens & Objectives (GSO909) 12. Hitlerjugend Tokens & Objectives (GSO910) 101. Schwere SS Panzerrabteilung Tokens & Objectives (GSO911)

Last Updated On Thursday, August 20, 2020