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Team Yankee: World War III

Let's Go Shopping –
Decorating the Department Store

Check out the Department Store Spotlight here...

/portals/0/all_images/TeamYankee/Terrain/DepartmentStore/Department1.jpg /portals/0/all_images/TeamYankee/Terrain/DepartmentStore/Department1.jpg
Department Stores are everyone and there is one thing that they all seem to have in common, lots of glass windows!
We have made a printable PDF featuring images from inside the Department store to help you enhance your model
Pimp Your Pumps – Decorating the Petrol Station Department Store Windows (1.4MB)...

The PDF includes a few different varients for you to choose from, including options with broken windows and signage options to explain why the store is closed in the middle of the war.

All of the items are very simple to use: simply cut them out carefully and glue them in place with PVA white glue. You can use as few or as many of the pieces as you like.
/portals/0/all_images/TeamYankee/Terrain/DepartmentStore/Department1.jpg /portals/0/all_images/TeamYankee/Terrain/DepartmentStore/Department1.jpg

Last Updated On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 by Chris at Battlefront