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Airborne Assault Squads (BR809) Airborne Assault Squads (BR809)
includes two Assault squads each with two Motorcycle Pioneer Rifle teams & two Large bases.

The ‘Blitz Troop’, as the assault platoon was commonly known in the regiment, provided the commander with a motorcycle-mounted infantry force able to keep up with the light tanks, and then dismount to clear obstacles and assault troublesome anti-tank guns.

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Overlord is the latest compilation release for the Allied forces during the Normandy &  Brittany campaigns from June to September 1944.

Learn more about Overlord here...

Airborne Assault Squads (BR809) The troop rode into battle upon the lightweight 125cc motorcycles such as the famous Royal Enfield ‘Flying Flea’. This motorcycle was so light that it could be lifted over obstacles, but so small that it only carried the rider and his personal kit, making one motorcycle per man a necessity.

Designed by Evan Allen
Painted by James Brown
The Motorcycle Pioneer Rifle teams of an Airborne Assault Platoon use the Motorcycle Reconnaissance and Solo Motorcycles rules on pages 196 and 197 of the rulebook.
Airborne Assault Squads (BR809) Airborne Assault Squads (BR809)
Pioneer teams are rated as Tank Assault 3.
Airborne Assault Squads (BR809) Airborne Assault Squads (BR809)
The Airborne Assault Squads Move Out
Airborne Assault Squads (BR809)
Contents of the Airborne Assault Squads Blister Pack
Contact the customer service team at [email protected] if you have any issues with any of the components.
Airborne Assault Squads (BR809)
Description of Components
a. 8x Handle bars / Rider arms.
2x NCO torsos with STEN gun.
c. 6x Rider torsos with Lee-Enfield No. 4 rifles
d. 8x Royal Enfield ‘Flying Flea’ motorcycles.
a. 2x Large bases.

Basing The Airborne Assault Squads
Each Assault Squad is made up of one Motorcycle Pioneer Rifle team; each team contains four motorcycles complete with riders. To represent an Assault Squad correctly in Flames Of War, one rider needs to be a NCO (figure / torso B) armed with a STEN gun and the remaining three riders are armed with a Lee-Enfield No. 4 rifle (figure / torso C). The Assault Squads are based on the Large bases provided in the blister pack which contains enough figures to model two complete Assault Squads.
Airborne Assault Squads (BR809)
Assembling The Royal Enfield ‘Flying Flea’ & Rider
Step 1. Each motorcycle has a male connector on the which the female connector located on the rider torso can be attached. Below: The female connector on the base of the rider torsos.
Airborne Assault Squads (BR809) Airborne Assault Squads (BR809) Airborne Assault Squads (BR809)
Step 2. Attach the rider's torso to the motorcycle. Step 3. Next, attach the handle bar / rider arms combination to the front of the motorcycle and the sides of the rider's torso. Below: The handle bars attach to the front of the motorcycle.
Airborne Assault Squads (BR809) Airborne Assault Squads (BR809) Airborne Assault Squads (BR809)
Below: The arms positioned correctly on the rider's torso.

Tip: Be sure to dry-fit the handle bars / arms to ensure proper positioning before attaching them permanently.
Below: With the handle bars and arms positioned correctly, the Royal Enfield ‘Flying Flea’ and rider are fully-assembled and ready for the painting table. In the example below is a rider armed with a Lee-Enfield No. 4 rifle. Below: An example of a fully-assembled NCO figure armed with a STEN gun.
Airborne Assault Squads (BR809) Airborne Assault Squads (BR809) Airborne Assault Squads (BR809)

Last Updated On Wednesday, February 20, 2019