Las Vegas Open 2018
Las Vegas Open 2018 with Eric Camba Sunday night wrapped up an awesome weekend of some great fun and wargaming action at the Las Vegas Open, January 26th, 27th and 28th, here in Las Vegas, Nevada! We began Friday morning with the one day, three round Team Yankee: Cold War Conflict tournament. We had about fourteen people for the event and everything ran about as smooth as it could be. All the attendees seemed to be having a great time and after the smoke cleared the guys from Los Angeles, California swept the tournament with Kevin Morris and his American armored company pulling out the win. Second place went to Johnny Vasquez and his West German Panzer company while rounding out third was Raymond Loh with a British mechanized company.
Early the next morning began the main event of the weekend, the Flames of War: Invasion! Players battled through a five round tournament both Saturday and Sunday to find out who was to come out on top. By the end of the first day, it was still pretty much anyone’s game and it wasn’t until the very last round on Sunday that the winner was clearly decided.
Taking the first place honors was Tim Morris, from Las Vegas, and his Berlin Kampfgruppe. The second place prize was awarded to Raymond Loh, from Los Angeles, and his Soviet Tankovy force. Coming in third from El Paso, Texas was Vince Arroyo with a German Panzerkompanie.
Overall, the events went really well, I feel, and I’m really looking forward to running this event next year and making it even bigger!
We’re working very hard to make Las Vegas a more prominent tournament scene. I have plans that are already in the works as to what future events are possibly to be held and I’m seriously considering bringing the Warfare in Winter Regionals into the Las Vegas Open convention! The venue has plenty of space and the room for growth is totally there! LVO had lots of other competitions and games going on for those that had the misfortune to find themselves with a little extra time before the next round, so there’s always something to keep you busy. It was a really nice atmosphere and I really had a good time!
I’d like to thank everyone that attended and especially those that came from out of town, all the way to wonderful Las Vegas to compete and have a great time. I’d also like to thank all the local stores; Battlezone, Little Shop of Magic, and War Room Games, that helped out with prize support and terrain to make this event happen. Like I said earlier, I’m really looking forward to next year and I’ll be sure to keep everyone updated via my usual social media and forum methods.
Last Updated On Monday, January 10, 2022 by Wayne at Battlefront