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Southern Nationals

Southern Nationals - Flames of War LW Tournament.

Dates: August 26th-27th, 2023 @ Level Up Games in Duluth, GA
Tournament Format: V4 Flames of War LW, 111 points. Straight Swiss format using Best Coast Pairings.
Event will be 5 rounds run over 2 days (3 rounds Saturday / 2 rounds Sunday), 2.5 hours per round, Extended Battle Plans. No stance restrictions (you can use the same stance all 5 rounds). There will be a 3 Formation limit per player.

Historicon 2023: Flames Of War

Player Cap: 50

Sign up via the Eventbrite page here. We will be setting up a Best Coast Pairings as we get closer to the event dates. You can upload your list on BCP or email your list to [email protected]

All lists MUST be submitted by end of day August 18th. Players are encouraged to turn their lists in early. Players should receive an email that their list is received and legal, if this is not received within a week from submission, players should resend their list. If a list needs to be edited it must be done by August 23rd.

All lists must include the following information if sent to the email address above (if uploaded via BCP yourself please just send an email with the important information if your BCP account doesn't contain it), players that don’t provide this information won’t be allowed to play:

Player’s full name

Player’s email address

Player’s cell phone number- used for emergency contact

Player’s city and state – used for pairings

Club name and/or local store name- used for pairings

Army list being used (For example: Tiger Tank Company). The formation with the most points in the player’s list will be used for pairings.

Book(s) (For example: D-day German), if players are using multiple books all books must be brought.

Players can use the following books: Fortress Europe, D-day 21st panzer (forces only list acceptable), D-day American, D-Day German, D-Day British, D-Day Waffen SS, Bagration Soviet, Bagration German, Bagration Axis-Allies, Bulge American, Bulge German, Bulge British, Soviet Berlin, German Berlin. If further books are released after this event page is posted before July 26th for LW they will also be legal to use in the event. Players must bring the books containing the forces they are using (exemption for D-Day 21st panzer, not list in submission).


Saturday August 26th:

08:30 – 9:30 Check-in Briefing

*Players should arrive by 9:00am. Players should make sure they get a prompt packet and score sheet from their T.O. as well as have their army looked over.

*Additional time will be provided between rounds for deployment. Players should be in the building at the beginning of each round prepared to play.

9:30– 12:00 Round 1, leave your armies out after round 1 for paint judging.

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch. Players should return by 1:15 to start deployment (we are working to arrange a catering option for Saturday for the players. Details will be posted as we get closer to the event dates)

1:30 – 4:00 Round 2

4:00 – 6:30 Round 3

*After players are done with round 3 they can turn in their score sheets and retire.

Sunday August 27th:

8:30 - 9:30 Check-in. Players should arrive by 9:00am

9:30 - 12:00 Round 4

12:00 - 1:30 Lunch. Players should return by 1:15 for pairings.

1:30 - 4:00 Round 5

4:30 - 5:00 Award Presentations.


All armies must be fully painted. By fully painted we mean that each model needs to have color applied and not just look like a newly assembled model and primed. We don't need everything to be expertly detailed and have decals, but the models should look nice for the tabletop. Infantry needs to have some color and base work done on each stand (again, nothing expertly done, but good for tabletop quality). If you have any questions on if your paint job qualifies please email us and a TO can give you a ruling. Any miniatures not fully painted will be pulled from the table prior to starting the tournament. Players should make sure their armies are checked before play starts. No proxy models are allowed, as the player should use the correctly sized vehicles as well as gun and infantry teams. Any proxy models will be removed and will affect gameplay (i.e., a two-model unit that has a proxy removed will have to take last stand checks). 3D printed models are allowed but must be indicated to the TO. Armies with 3D printed models cannot place or win best painted. Players should make sure armies are properly constructed by the time the tournament starts.

Rounds will be determined by Swiss system, come ready to play all armies. Best Coast Pairings will be used for the event. Players should download this app and have it ready to use. Initial pairings will use player origin and store (state, city, store/club) and alliance (Axis/Allies). Subsequent rounds will use wins, victory points, strength of schedule.

We will use the Missions for Flames of War packet where the players and their opponent will choose their stances, find that selection in the matrix and roll a die. The players will then play the mission chosen. Each stance needs to be played at least once during the tournament. Players should download or print the most recent packet.

If there is an odd number of players, that player can choose to take a bye, if so that player gets an 8-1 A ringer is a player that participates to fill in for an odd number of participants but is not eligible to win any category in the event.

Players must bring 7 physical copies of their list, one for their reference and one for each opponent.

Players should record on the left side of their score sheet the table they play on.

Players are responsible for monitoring the time and the judges will announce time intervals throughout the tournament. A time clock will be provided to track time remaining in the round. A true act of sportsmanship is not starting a new turn if both players will not be able to finish that turn. The game should be called if both players cannot finish their turns and the results should be calculated as a loss according to the Flames of War rulebook.

Slow play is to be actively discouraged, repeated offences may result in loss of points or forfeited matches. If you cannot play a game to completion due to size/compliment or familiarity with your army, you might want to revisit your choice. Most players should be able to complete their turns within 10-15 minutes.

When time is called the game must immediately finish their action. New turns cannot be started even if starting a new turn would award an immediate victory or cause a player to make a company morale check. SEE the bullet points above.

Painting Competition: Any players that wish their armies to be considered for the best-painted competition will stage them at the lunch break in the designated area with a nameplate on the display. All models in the army must be from Battlefront Miniatures, armies with proxy or 3D-printed models are disqualified. A display board is not judged but is useful for moving your army.

Unit histories are not necessary.


Pairing breakdown will be based first on the number of wins, then victory points, then strength of schedule. Strength of schedule is if two or more teams are still tied after wins and victory points, then it will be checked to see if the two teams played each other, the winner of that game will have a higher position

The scoring breakdown at the end of the tournament will be: The number of wins, victory points, strength of schedule.

Awards: Here is a list of the awards that will be presented:

Overall Winners

2nd Place

3rd Place

Best Sportsman

Best Painted

Plus we will have some extra door prizes/giveaways. One of those prizes will be given out at the end of the event to a player who doesn't win one of the above awards but plays all the rounds of the tournament. That prize will be a fully painted starter box. See images in the event for photos of this year's giveaway army.

Overall, 2nd and 3rd are based upon gameplay (wins, victory points, strength of schedule). This award will be for the team.

Best sport is chosen by the players. At the end of the tournament, players will rate their games. At the end of the tournament, players will give 5 points to their favorite game, 4 to their next, and so forth. Ties in sportsmanship will go to gameplay score (Wins).

Best painted is chosen by a mix of Level Up Games staff and Local commission painters.

Awards and participation objectives will be provided by Battlefront for this event. Event will be run by outside judges and Level Up Games staff.

Last Updated On Friday, June 30, 2023