Iron Maiden – British Army in World War III British in World War III
The Death or Glory Boys Ride Again
With Chris Townley & Phil Yates

When World War III broke out in August 1985, the British Army Of the Rhine (BAOR) had been defending the West on the border between West Germany and East Germany for just over 40 years. These soldiers, the third generation of British soldiers to stand watch on the North German Plain, quickly proved their mettle. With the release of Iron Maiden, the British are coming to Team Yankee.

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Iron Maiden covers the British Army Of the Rhine and features four different formations that you can field:

The Death or Glory Boys (or 17th/21st Lancers) bring the might of the Chieftain tank, with up to 14 per formation.

Supported by Swingfire anti-tank guided missile armed vehicles, as well as a recce troop of Scorpions, Abbot field artillery and a platoon of mechanised infantry each Chieftain Armoured Squadron is more than capable of defending the line against the Soviets.
What the tanks seize, the infantry hold. And the men of the Irish Guards are no strangers to difficult missions, having faced the Germans in World War II and now the tide of Soviets 40 years later. Each mechanised company is based around three platoons of infantry transported in FV432 personal carriers. They bring their own mortar carriers, mobile Spartan Milan launchers as well as infantry Milan teams. Like the tanks, they can expect support from Chieftains, artillery and Scimitar recce troops.
Iron Maiden – British Army in World War III

Blunting the Soviet offensive is not just about standing in front of them and that’s where the Lynx Airmobile Company of the Gordon Highlanders come in. With infantry platoons loaded up with Milan anti-tank missiles, and mounted in Lynx helicopters they can be quickly repositioned on the battlefield to strike and unguarded objectives.

Iron Maiden – British Army in World War III

Before you can fight the enemy, you must find the enemy, and the Queen’s Dragoon Guards have a mix of Scorpion and Scimitar recce vehicles to do just that. They can also count on their own Striker anti-tank guided missile vehicles and infantry platoon to help if the going gets tough.

In addition to these four formations, there are also plenty of divisional assets to destroy the enemy including attack helicopters, heavy artillery, close support aircraft and anti-aircraft batteries.

The British fought the Second World War in fast light tanks, outgunned by their opponents. Now, the Chieftain tank has the thickest armour and biggest gun of any tank in NATO. When it entered service in 1966, the Chieftain was a behemoth capable of overpowering any tank in existence. It still is, despite twenty years of evolution in tank design, a tough opponent. This evolution has not passed the Chieftain by. The front of its turret now bears a layer of ‘Stillbrew’ armour, maintaining its edge as one of the best protected tanks in the world. Iron Maiden – British Army in World War III

In the mid 1980s, the British Army uparmoured their Chieftain tanks with the Stillbrew armour package. The most notable part of this is the thick layer of armour added to the turret front.

Iron Maiden – British Army in World War III Iron Maiden – British Army in World War III
Chieftain Chieftain Stillbrew

Iron Maiden, British Army in World War III is a 48-page hard-back book that tells the story of Major Charles Leslie’s Squadron of Chieftain tanks and the stubborn fighting withdrawal they fought against a relentless Soviet invasion.

Look for Iron Maiden now in a gaming store near you!

Last Updated On Thursday, October 6, 2016 by James at Battlefront