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Tale of Two Cities Week Two:
Rob Villnave

In week two I was unfortunate in not accomplishing my goals.  I was hoping to have everything assembled and ready for paint.  This week has seen more paint and decals on the Shermans from week one. 
Now just to wash and matte varnish those boys and they should be ready to go.  Along with them I was able to assemble my Carrier Patrols, the Company HQ elements and my M10 17 pdrs.  I wanted to tackle my artillery but the 5.5” guns were leaving me wanting, and I did not have my 25 pdr platoon or the second artillery HQ at the time.  So I will leave those to week three or four.
Below: Rob's Carrier.
Rob's Carrier
Rob's Company HQ Going into week two my goal is to finish assembly on both infantry platoons, the 5.5” artillery and the one artillery HQ I have available.  Once those are done I want to have my M10s, artillery guns and Carriers sprayed with Firefly Green (CWP230) ($12 added to my over all budget).  And I want to have my basing material glued down on all assembled models.

Left: Rob's Company HQ.
Below: Rob's M10 Achilles assembled and awaiting some paint.
Rob's M10 Achilles assembled and awaiting some paint
It may seem like a lot but I have ground to gain from my lack of movement in week two.  If I can I would like to do some actual painting of models this week if I can accomplish the goals mentioned.  Generally I like to assemble my entire force and spray all models with their respective base coats and then focus on completing one platoon at a time.  We shall see.
Below: Rob's first Sherman platoon with the details picked out.
Rob's M10 Achilles assembled and awaiting some paint
In writing this week’s update I have been reinvigorated and I am itching for a game with this force.  I may not have the most competitive list, but the Huns will know we were here.

Until next week… attack, attack, attack!
~ Rob.

Below: Rob's second Sherman platoon receiving the same treatment as the first platoon.
Rob's M10 Achilles assembled and awaiting some paint

Last Updated On Monday, June 22, 2015