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Tale of Two Cities

Week Six:
Bruce Beardsley

So here we are at the end! A week before Historicon and Joe striding around the office with his jackboots and riding crop, calling out for painted models and weekly write ups!  My Panzergrenadiers are as close to done, as DONE! 
This last week was a real push as it was finish up the details week! Skin tone on 15mm faces, basing, water transfers, barrel soot markings, leaking oil, etc..etc.…

I think my most notable positive during this experiment and experience was the time perimeter. By that I mean, most hobbyist’s don’t work under a time perimeter. Most work under a budgetary confinement, but not one defined by the calendar.   This was good for me, as it pushed me with a deadline. I normally work with the conveyer belt approach. Build everything, prime everything, base coat everything and so forth and so on. I started that way but somewhere about week three, I lost my way.

In the end it turned out well, I got everything done and now just to get them into some combat.  My advise coming out of this experience for me is to build a time table for your project and stick to it as closely as possible.

~ Bruce.

Bruce's Army

Last Updated On Thursday, July 19, 2012 by Chris at Battlefront