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Tale of Two Cities

Week Five:
Joe Krone

Total Cost: $632.96

Total Hours to date: 50 hours of hobby and 0 hours of games played with army. Value to date: $12.66 / hour.

I have recently returned from a long road trip to Austin, Texas and brought my Sherman tanks with the best intentions to paint them during my travel. Well…….they never made it out of my Flames Of War bag and the resulting trip not only threw off my schedule but I completely deviated from my plan. I have spent the past week and about 20 hours rapidly cleaning and preparing the rest of my infantry so I can sit down in one go and get them all done. My lunches at work consisted of cleaning, priming, and base coating some infantry and my weekends consisted of attempting to catch up with my tanks so my army will be done in time for Historicon. I managed to crank out my Sextons and trucks needed for my artillery battery and finished my turrets for all my Shermans. I conveniently took a few vacation days leading up to Historicon so my upcoming 4 day weekend will aid me greatly in finishing my army. Hopefully when you read my next post my army will be completely done but as we all know no good plan ever survives contact with the enemy. 

~ Joe.
Below: My motor platoon has been cleaned and ready to be primed. Thank God a motor platoon is small.
Joe's Motor Platoon
Below: The three command teams and staff team have been base coated Battledress Brown (FWP325) and dry brushed Military Khaki (FWP327). The jeep was primed Black (FWP300) and then sprayed Firefly Green (CWP230).
Joe's Command teams
Below: The Sexton crews are at the same stage as the command teams. I started basing the flesh on the first stand. 
Joe's Sexton crew
Below: The three CWT15 trucks for my Sexton battery are painted. I am well aware they probably didn’t have red gas cans but I like to add a little color when I can. Not historical but I am willing to accept the consequences.
Joe's CWT15 trucks

Below: Four Sextons done waiting for their crew.

Joe's Sextons
Below: The other four Sextons waiting for their crew.
Joe's Sextons

Last Updated On Tuesday, June 23, 2015