Understanding your Order Status

Draft: order has not completed the checkout process yet 

Checked Out: order is awaiting entry into Battlefront order processing system

Downloaded: order has been entered into Battlefront order processing system

In progress/Packing: order is being processed by the warehouse team

Shipped/Part Shipped: the order/part of the order has been shipped   

On Hold, please contact Battlefront: please contact Customer Services


 Store Account
Checkout Options Please select one of the three following options:
Speed Checkout If you do not have an existing Battlefront account and wish to complete the checkout process in a fast fashion then check out now
Existing Account if you already have a account with Battlefront, you can login now to continue check out
Register While the "Speed checkout" is fast, why not consider registering for a Battlefront Account? A Battlefront account allows you to access new content and areas of the site and ensures all your orders are recorded in one place, which makes for easier management and tracking. Register here