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Krupp Kfz 70 truck (GE421) Krupp Kfz 70 truck (GE421, Two Resin Trucks)
Krupp ‘Protze’ L2H143

The Krupp Kfz 70 truck, commonly known at the Krupp ‘Protze’ was an import vehicle in the German armies of 1939 and 40. This six-wheeled truck was used for transporting the Schützen motorised infantry of the Panzer divisions. It was also used to carry their support weapon and called into action as a gun artillery tractor.

The Krupp ‘Protze’ truck was powered by a 60 hp Krupp M304 4-cylinder engine. This vehicle was extensively used Poland, France and during the Russian campaign. The Protze was of simple design, and was mass-produced between 1933 and 1942. A total of about 7000 were made. It was also exported to Hungary.

In Flames Of War

The Krupp Kfz 70 truck can be used in Early and Mid war where any Kfz 70 is called for. It is transports Schützen infantry and the heavy weapons of a Schützenkompanie (see Blitzkrieg pages 74 to 77).

Krupp Kfz 70 truck (GE421)
Krupp Kfz 70 truck (GE421)
Krupp Kfz 70 truck (GE421)
Krupp Kfz 70 truck (GE421)
Krupp Kfz 70 truck (GE421)
Krupp Kfz 70 truck (GE421)

Designed by Evan Allen
Painted by Jeremy Painter 

Check out the German Krupp Kfz 70 truck in the online store here...

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Last Updated On Tuesday, February 15, 2011 by Chris at Battlefront