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Battlefield in a Box: Large Pine Wood (BB511)

Battlefield in a Box Battlefield in a Box: Large Pine Wood (BB511)
Contains five Large Pine Trees, five Painted Large Pine Tree Stands, One Painted Tree Stump, two packets of GF9 Static Grass.

Check out the Battlefield in a Box: Large Pine Wood in the online store here...
Battlefield in a Box: Large Pine Wood (BB511)

These can be used to represent the hills found on the battlefields thoughtout the course of history.

Learn how to enhance pre-painted terrain here...

Battlefield in a Box: Large Pine Wood (BB511)

Large Pine Wood Base (BB511) Large Pine Wood Base (BB511)
The GF9 Grass Included in the Box 
Below: GF9 Static Grass: Green Grass. Below: GF9 Static Grass: Meadow Blend.
Large Pine Wood Base (BB511) Large Pine Wood Base (BB511)
The Large Pine Wood on the Battlefield
Large Pine Wood (BB511)

Last Updated On Friday, October 18, 2019