Assembling The Marder

Step 1. Begin assembly of the Marder by attaching the machine-gun to the lower hull section. Step 2. Next, attach the travel lock to the lower hull section.
Below: The travel lock in place.  Step 3. Next, attach the right-hand side track to the lower hull section. Note: Left and right tracks are labeled to aid correct assembly. 
Below: Right-hand side track attached to the lower hull. Step 5. Attach the left-hand side track to the lower hull section.
Step 6. Affix the gun to its mount.
Step 7. Mount the gun shield above the gun. 
Below: Gun shield in place. Step 8. Glue gun crew in to place on seats. You may find it easier to paint the crew separately to the vehicle before gluing them in place.
Below: A fully assembled Marder.