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Mike Haught’s Escadron de Reconnaissance Revisited

Blitzkrieg Logo Early War Staff Armies:
Mike Haught’s Escadron de Reconnaissance

We continue our feature on the Battlefront staff members Early-war armies by revisiting Mike’s Escadron de Reconnaissance.

For this update, I’ve added some infantry to my recon force. Eventually I’ll turn these into motorcycle troops whenever the quartermaster can get some in supply. They’re not a whole lot different than normal French infantry, so I painted up a few extra stands so I can field them as a Fusiliers Portes Platoon in the future.

I’ve got another infantry platoon like this one to do and then its on to the artillery, machine-guns and mortars. I’m saving the best for last, when I can finally paint my Somuas!


Learn more about Mike’s Escadron de Reconnaissance here...

See all the Staff Armies here...

Progress Shots
Mike's French Infantry
Mike's French Infantry Mike's French Infantry
Mike's French Infantry Mike's French Infantry
Mike's French Infantry Mike's French Infantry
Mike's French Infantry Mike's French Infantry
Mike Haught’s Escadron de Reconnaissance in action
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