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Phil's British Armoured Regiment Revisited

Blitzkrieg Logo Early War Staff Armies:
Phil's British Armoured Regiment Revisited

We continue our feature on the Battlefront staff members Early-war armies by revisiting Phil's Armoured Regiment.

The 10th Hussars

Long ago I painted up a French Escadron de Combat (Cavalry Tank Squadron) and started on a British Armoured Squadron for the BEF. The release of the new models (which are infinitely superior to the old ones, just goes to show how much Evan has improved in a decade!) gave me the opportunity to actually finish a British armoured force for France 1940.

Learn more about Phil's army here...

Learn more about the British Armoured Regiment here...

Phil's British Armoured Regiment Revisited
Phil's British Armoured Regiment Revisited I chose the 10th Hussars because I could get their regimental history at a reasonable price (or perhaps a not too unreasonable price). The interesting thing about the 10th hussars is that they were the junior regiment of the division and don’t seem to have had as many cruiser tanks as the other regiments. This has the effect of allowing me to field the whole regiment for just 1500 points!

See all the Staff Early War armies here...

Progress so far...

I'm still working on these are you can see by the tank crew. One thing I did realise, if I was going to paint the army again, I'd of used the US Armour spray can rather than the British Armour.

~ Phil.

Phil's British Armoured Regiment Revisited
Phil's British Armoured Regiment Revisited
Phil's British Armoured Regiment Revisited
Phil's British Armoured Regiment Revisited
Phil's British Armoured Regiment Revisited
Phil's British Armoured Regiment Revisited
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