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The 2014 Tournament Objective The 2014 Tournament Objective:
Local Defence Volunteers with Grocer's Van

For the last few years we have given away tournament objectives aimed at the American audience – well, based on imagery from American films, albeit with the names changed enough to avoid offending the relevant copyright holders. This year we decided to even things up by making something with more of a British focus.
The Local Defence Volunteers, later know as the Home Guard, or affectionately ‘Dad’s Army’ was an defensive organization of volunteers who were inelligible for regular military service. They were intended to help defend Britain in event of a German invasion. One or two of the writers had recently done a fair bit of reading about the organisation and activities of the LDV, and felt that, although their actual combat effectiveness was thankfully never put to the test, their courage and commitment was certainly admirable.

So, as a tribute to these brave volunteers, we decided to create a scene affectionately celebrating the popular image of the Home Guard.

The objective features some colourful LDV characters who should strike a familiar chord with British and Commonwealth citizens:
Captain Wayne Meringue (right), the dauntless self-appointed commander of an LDV platoon in a small seaside town. The 2014 Tournament Objective The 2014 Tournament Objective Lance Corporal Geoffrey Green (right), the local greengrocer, whose delivery van occasionally provides the platoon with motorised transport. The 2014 Tournament Objective The 2014 Tournament Objective
The 2014 Tournament Objective The 2014 Tournament Objective Private Fred Lance (left), blessed more with enthusiasm than mental acuity. The 2014 Tournament Objective The 2014 Tournament Objective ARP Warden Rodgers (left), a thorn in the side of Wayne Meringue and his platoon.
Meringue, Green, Lance and Rogder with the Grocer's Van
The 2014 Tournament Objective The 2014 Tournament Objective
The 2014 Tournament Objective The 2014 Tournament Objective
The 2014 Tournament Objective The 2014 Tournament Objective
The 2014 Tournament Objective The 2014 Tournament Objective
The 2014 Tournament Objective The 2014 Tournament Objective

Last Updated On Sunday, February 12, 2017 by James at Battlefront